City of Minneapolis, MN

Obstruction permitting team


Step 1 of 2 - Terms and Conditions


Lane Use Office Hours

Lane Use hours are 7am-3:30pm Monday-Friday except the following holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Indigenous Peoples Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.

Please consider this in submitting permit applications.


Hooding of Parking Meters

Parking meters are hooded at a daily rate of $25 per meter, per day. Bills will be sent one to three weeks after end date of permit. Parking meters are hooded for moving trucks, loading/unloading, construction, etc. Parking meters are not hooded to reserve personal parking spaces or food trucks.


Weekend/Holiday hoodings

  Meters are not hooded/unhooded on Sundays or the holidays listed above.

  Meters hooded for Saturdays incur the cost of Sunday as well unless specified on the permit application that hoods are to be removed Saturday any time after 12 noon.


Mondays/Day after holidays

  Meter hoodings for Mondays will be hooded Monday 7:30-9am. If you plan on using meters early Monday morning, select Sunday as your start date on the permit application (you will be responsible for the cost of Sunday).

  The same applies for the day after the holidays listed above.


Posting of temporary “No Parking” signs

Posting of temporary “No Parking” signs applications need to be submitted a minimum of 7 business days in advance of the permit start time. Minimum posting notice is subject to change dependent on the Sign Shop’s availability. Permits without proper notice will be denied.


Residential and Commercial Moves

  The City of Minneapolis will not post temporary "No Parking" signs for residential or commercial moves. It is the responsibility of the resident and/or the moving company to secure parking for moves.


Lane Use rates for contractors/construction

Lane Use fees

  Sidewalk rates are charged from crosswalk to crosswalk.

  Moving Lanes, Turn Lane, Bus Lane, Parking Lanes, Alley and Bike Lanes are charged for the portion that is closed or from the start of the lane closure until traffic or bikes are returned to their normal route.

  All charges are 7 days a week.

  Downtown rates are charged for an area bounded by I-94, I-35W, Mississippi River, and Plymouth Ave. N.

  Arterial rates are charged for all Municipal and County State Aid and Trunk Highway routes outside of the Downtown Zone.

 All Other rates for city streets that are not categorized as Arterial or Downtown.


Lane Use Fees – effective January 1, 2022





All Other*












bike/bus lane




moving/turn lane








*New fee for city streets that are not categorized as Arterial or Downtown


Road Striping

  Road striping affected by applicant must be replaced in kind by applicant at applicant’s expense.


I certify that all information provided in this application form and any other information provided by me in support of this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I will comply with all applicable state and local laws and regulations in performing the work for which this permit is issued, and that I possess all contractor and personal licenses and certificates of competency, if any, that are required for lawful performance of the work described in this permit. I understand that the issuance of this permit does not imply or authorize the granting of any such license or certificate of competency, nor the issuance of any business or professional license. 

I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Minneapolis from any claims, losses, costs, expenses or damages resulting from or incident to the issuance of this permit. 

I understand that any information provided regarding this permit application is subject to the Minnesota Data Practices Act and, as such, may be considered public data; my credit card number is not public data.



If you have questions regarding Lane Use Fees or Meter Hooding Fees please feel free to contact